Zimbabwe police arrest 1 100 protesters, 441 from Bulawayo

Zimbabwe police arrest 1 100 protesters, 441 from Bulawayo

Zimbabwe police say they have arrested 1 100 people so far over last week’s protests which turned violent leaving between three and 12 people dead.

Bulawayo, where there was massive looting especially in the Western suburbs had the highest number of arrest, 441 in total with 118 people arrested for looting.

Ironically the social media that was used to organise the protests, which the government also later clamped down on, is being used to track some of the looters who were bragging about their conquests.

Police said they were still looking for some of the ring-leaders of the protests including Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions president Peter Gift Mutasa, activist Promise Mkwananzi, MDC-Alliance Youth Assembly secretary-general Lovemore Chinoputsa, Shadreck Mashayamombe, Munyaradzi Shoko, Christine Magorimbo alias Mai Chiutsi, Ishmael Kauzani and Simbarashe Bernard alias Juma.



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