Guess where the foreign direct investment is going?

Guess where the foreign direct investment is going?

While developing countries are falling over each other to attract foreign direct investment, the United States was the biggest beneficiary of foreign direct investment in 2017 according to the latest figures released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

It received $275.4 billion followed by China with $136.3 billion.

Hong Kong, now part of China was listed separately and came third, with $104.3 billion.

Brazil was number four followed by Singapore, the Netherlands, France, Australia, Switzerland and India.

In Africa, Egypt was the best destination with $7.4 billion followed by Ethiopia with $3.6 billion, Nigeria with $3.5 billion and Ghana with $3.3 billion.

In Southern Africa, Mozambique topped the list with $2.3 billion followed by South Africa with $1.3 billion, Tanzania with $1.2 billion and Zambia with $1.1 billion.


Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist



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