Zimbabwe opposition legislator calls for setting up of committee to look into incompetence of chief whips

Zimbabwe opposition legislator calls for setting up of committee to look into incompetence of chief whips

Zimbabwe opposition legislator Norman Markham yesterday called for the setting up of a committee to look into the incompetence of chief whips.

There are currently three chief whips in the National Assembly with Pupurai Togarepi representing the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, David Tekeshe representing the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai and Prosper Mutseyami, the Citizens Coalition for Change.

Markham made the request to Deputy Speaker of Parliament Tsitsi Gezi after legislators were denied an opportunity to raise points of privilege because the Speaker had not been given any names.

Points of privilege allow legislators to raise any issues of national interest.

Gezi said since she had not received any names, she could not allow any points to be raised, advising that those who wanted to raise such points would be allowed to do so today.

“Madam Speaker, can we have a committee on the incompetence of the Chief Whips, to check on the incompetence of the Chief Whips.  We get nothing about what is being debated or the Business of the House Committee or the Order of the Day and we give names and we get nothing.  Everything just gets bulldozed,” Markham said.




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