Zimbabwe must move away from the big brother syndrome where everything done by ZANU-PF is acceptable and whatever is done by the opposition is condemned

Zimbabwe must move away from the big brother syndrome where everything done by ZANU-PF is acceptable and whatever is done by the opposition is condemned

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Tekeshe, withdraw your words where you said these are animals.

HON. TEKESHE: Madam Speaker Ma’am, these are animals but I withdraw.  Their behaviour resembles that of animals.  However, I withdraw Madam Speaker that these are animals.  So, what I am saying is, we can do as if we are joking here but this motion that was brought by Hon. Togarepi is a very good motion but it must consider both sides.  I also must have rights of being respected in this country.  If I fail to have coverage where I do good things and then I am denied a place to sit at the National Heroes Acre, what do I do?  I end up going to Studio 7 and I am labeled a sellout.  So, what must I do?  I must be given acknowledgement where I do good.  Let us all unite regardless of political affiliation.

The other thing is, as Zimbabweans we are always in election mode.  From the day the election ends up to the next election, we are always in election mode.  After elections, let us unite and relate with each other properly.  Do not forget that this ZANU PF will one day be out of power.  Hon. Mliswa said to Hon. Chombo some time ago, ‘refurbish these jails because one day you will be an inmate’.  Indeed that came to pass.  So, do not always say things that are said by opposition Members are bad simply because they come from the opposition.  We need to also acknowledge that I was wronged when I was denied a seat.  So, what I am saying is; yes that law is good but let us not rush to condemn the ones who called for sanctions.  So what do you expect me to do?  I end up doing that because here I am not accepted.

When Mr. Mugabe and Mr. Tsvangirai united, this country progressed very well.  So, if you deny me access, I will go my own way whilst you go your own way.  Our economy suffers as a result of that because we are not united.  Some people prioritise political gains not the country. – [Part of speech not recorded due to power outage] – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: He is giving examples; he is not debating about heroes

HON. TEKESHE: Thank you Madam Speaker for protecting me.  That is exactly what we must do in this House.  Thank you Madam Speaker, you have protected me very well.  This is our country and we should not denounce our country but the big brother should work together with the young brother instead of becoming a bully because the whole House turns into bullies.  This one bullies the other and the other will bully the next.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Tekeshe, stick to one language.

HON. TEKESHE: Thank you Madam Speaker.  So, we need to unite and move forward as one country.  I thank you.



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