Zimbabwe must move away from the big brother syndrome where everything done by ZANU-PF is acceptable and whatever is done by the opposition is condemned

Zimbabwe must move away from the big brother syndrome where everything done by ZANU-PF is acceptable and whatever is done by the opposition is condemned

Zimbabweans must be patriotic and must move away from the “big brother” syndrome where everything done by ZANU-PF is acceptable and whatever is done by the opposition is condemned, Makoni Central; legislator David Tekeshe said.

Contributing to the motion calling for the barring of those pushing for sanctions from holding public office, Tekeshe said Zimbabweans must find each other and unite to build their country.

“Let us be patriotic.  Let us support what is good and let us all condemn what is bad regardless of which party (one belongs to),” he said.

“Do not forget that this ZANU PF will one day be out of power.  Hon. Mliswa said to Hon. Chombo some time ago, ‘refurbish these jails because one day you will be an inmate’.  Indeed that came to pass.”

Full contribution:

HON. TEKESHE: Thank you Madam Speaker Ma’am.  I also want to add my voice on this motion raised by Hon. Togarepi, supported by Hon. Nguluvhe.  My view is, the law may be in place but I do not think it can solve everything because it can be selective.  If you look at what happened in 2008, there is a law that says no one must be murdered, yet people died and no one was persecuted.  What I am trying to say is, on our own, we must find each other, be it as political parties; yes we may put laws in place against people who called for sanctions and the like but we must unite as Zimbabweans.

This ‘big brother’ syndrome whereby whatever is done by ZANU PF is acceptable and condemnation of what is done by opposition parties.  If you hear what I say as my concern, it is that I am a Zimbabwean.  From what I said, I cannot be denied a seat because I am a Zimbabwean, so who will protect me?  I saw some people accepting that it was okay that I was denied a reserved seat at the National Heroes Acre.  Going there is because I support the idea of celebrating that hero, that is what I was talking about here.  If that was not the case, maybe I would have been executed.  The whole idea is, let us be patriotic.  Let us support what is good and let us all condemn what is bad regardless of which party… [Part of speech not recorded due to power outage] –These are animals.  When you were talking, we were quiet. Now you want to respond because I am talking, you are an animal.

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