Zimbabwe MP says reduce pensionable age to 35

Zimbabwe MP says reduce pensionable age to 35

A Zimbabwean legislator Leonard Chikomba has asked the government to reduce the pensionable age from 65 to 35 because the lifespan of Zimbabweans has been reduced to 35.

Chikomba, who is the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front legislator for Gokwe-Kabuyuni, posed the questions to Public Service and Labour Minister Sekai Nzenza who said the pensionable age of 65 was a policy and her ministry will look into that when the time is right.

Chikomba asked the minister to give a time frame as her response was vague but Nzenza said she was not able to give a time frame.

According to the latest World Health Organisations figures, Zimbabwe has a life expectancy of 61.4 years with men having 59.6 years and women 63.1 years.

Hong Kong currently has the highest life expectancy in the world at 84.3 years.

Q &A

*HON. CHIKOMBA: The health condition of the people in this country means that the people of Zimbabwe have had their life span reduced to 35 years before they can reach the retirement age of 65 years.  We are requesting the Government to reduce the pensionable age from 65 to 35 years because people have to benefit from their pensions.

If the worker or the spouse dies before their retirement age, what happens to their funds accruing?

THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE (HON. DR. NZENZA): The retirement age of 65 years is policy; however it can be subject to review.  So, when the time is right and we have gathered enough information, we will certainly take that on board.

*HON. CHIKOMBA: The Minister has just responded saying when the time is ripe there is going to be a change.  However, we need to have a time frame to when the action is going to be implemented on the reduction of the pensionable age from 65 years.

HON. DR. NZENZA: I am not able to give time limit at the moment.  Thank you.



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