Zimbabwe man jailed for 10 years for stealing cable valued at $105

Zimbabwe has adopted a tough stance on thieves of telephone cables sentencing a Harare man, Robert Nyirongo, who stole 92 metres of copper cable valued at $105 to the mandatory 10 years in jail.

According to The Herald, the magistrate Josephine Sande sentenced two other men to 20 years in jail for a similar offence last week.

Tapiwa Juru was jailed for 10 years for stealing 4.3 metres of cable valued at $55 while George Muganda stole 16kg of copper cables valued at $200.

Theft of telephone cables has a mandatory sentence of 10 years jail unless there are special circumstances.

The Herald says TelOne lost over $100 000 worth of telecommunications equipment mainly copper cables due to theft and vandalism last year.



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