ZANU-PF primary elections set for 5 May

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front says it will hold its primary elections on 5 May but warned aspiring candidates not to campaign until the party leadership has given the nod.

According to the Herald national commissar Engelbert Rugeje said candidates will not be allowed to campaign privately unless these are door-to-door campaigns. They have to campaign together.

“We are going to hold our primary elections on May 5 and I have already written letters to the provinces to that effect,” Rugeje said.

“Aspiring candidates should start submitting their CVs for vetting, but I want to make it clear that we have not yet said people should start campaigning.

“We will notify aspiring candidates on when they should start campaigning. The reason we are saying aspiring candidates should not start campaigning is because some may not make it during vetting after spending their resources on the ground.

“No one will be allowed to campaign publicly alone unless maybe if the candidate embarks on private door-to-door campaigning.

“We want all our candidates to campaign together, they will be moving and campaigning together.’’

Rugeje said the primary elections will be superintended over by a nine-member election commission whose members will not be eyeing any posts in the elections.

“The commission will act as the Ombudsman that will deal with complaints from aspiring candidates before, during and after the primaries.

“The members should be individuals who are not eyeing positions in the primary elections and the fact that I chair the commission automatically means I am out of the race.”

The elections are set for July but President Emmerson Mnangagwa has not yet announced the dates.

He can only do so after 30 April but there is a pending court case in which two opposition parties are seeking to bar Mnangagwa from announcing the elections dates until the Political Parties Finance Act is amended to provide funding to all political parties in the country.

There were 112 registered political parties at the last count.




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