Zimbabwe issues more than 3 000 import licences


Zimbabwe has so far issued over 3 100 import licences for basic goods that it placed on restrictions on 17 June to curb foreign currency outflows and protect local industry, The Herald reported today.

The products include Cremora coffee creamers, camphor creams, white petroleum jellies and body creams, plastic pipes and fittings, bottled water, mayonnaise, salad cream, peanut butter, jams, maheu, canned fruits and vegetables, pizza base, yoghurts, flavoured milks, dairy juice blends, ice creams, cultured milk and cheese.

Woven fabrics of cotton, fertilisers (urea and ammonium nitrate) compounds and blends, tile adhesive and tylon,  shoe polish, synthetic hair products,  and second hand tyres were also put on the controlled list.

The Herald said the removal of the goods from the Open General Import Licence had been misconstrued as a ban on the importation of the products, triggering violent protests from cross-border traders and South African businesses who are resisting its implementation.

“Importation will still be allowed where local production is not adequate to meet national demand. However where the local industry is producing adequate quantities, import licences will not be issued and companies will therefore be encouraged to source from local manufacturers,” Industry and Commerce Minister Mike Bimha said.

“The SI is an interim measure meant to boost recovery of the local manufacturing sector which is under siege from imported products. This measure is expected to give the sector time and space to retool and boost production capacity.”

The ministry has issued more than 3 100 import licences for goods worth R47 228 923.20 and US$19 896 741.16 since 20 June.



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