Zimbabwe introduces fuel coupons for farmers and miners

Zimbabwe introduces fuel coupons for farmers and miners

The government has introduced fuel coupons for farmers, miners and other stakeholders with immediate effect but some people have already scoffed at the idea arguing that this is another way to allow the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front to loot.

Zimbabwe increased the price of fuel by 150 percent on 12 January but said it would introduce a system of rebate for farmers, miners, manufacturers and transporters.

According to the Ministry of Information, the coupons were introduced in response to the plight of the stakeholders.

“Sensitive to the plight of farmers, miners & other stakeholders, Government through the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development has made provisions for fuel coupons to be redeemed at face value with immediate effect,” the ministry said.

The ministry has not yet given details of who will benefit and how the coupons will be distributed.

Some people were, however, sceptical about the move with one saying this is another chance for some to loot while another said, one year down the line we will have another fuel-gate.

Although President Emmerson Mnangagwa promised to deal with corruption when he came to power on 24 November 2017, no high profile figure has so far been convicted of corruption except for former Energy Minister Samuel Undenge who was convicted on a minor offence involving just over $12 000.

Several former ministers have been arrested but they have been on remand for more than a year now.




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