Chamisa wants dialogue but there is no one to talk with

Chamisa wants dialogue but there is no one to talk with

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today called for regional and international intervention in the Zimbabwean crisis arguing that although he wanted national dialogue, there was no one to dialogue with.

He said President Emmerson Mnangagwa was not willing to talk. He had written to him five times asking for dialogue without any response.

Chamisa was addressing a press conference at the party headquarters at Morgan Tsvangirai House in Harare.

He said he had deliberately chosen that venue because the party headquarters was petrol-bombed during the violence that broke out after the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union called for a three-day stay-away beginning 14 January.

Several people were killed during the crack down on anti-government protesters with police saying only three people were killed while others reports say a dozen people were killed.

Shops were looted, and cars and buses burnt during the protests.

Chamisa said his party was deliberately being targeted by the security forces yet the stay-away was called by the ZCTU and not by his party.

He said this was aimed at crippling the party because it could not call a stay-away but only organise peaceful protests.

Six party legislators were arrested but two have since been released on bail and four were still in custody pending bail applications.

Although he had asked for regional intervention, Chamisa said he was a little sceptical about the Southern African Development Community as it had not responded to his calls for intervention.




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