Zimbabwe has no coronavirus death for two days running

Zimbabwe has no coronavirus death for two days running

Zimbabwe had no coronavirus death for the second day running today but the number of cases continued to rise with 159 new cases against 82 recoveries.

The country now has 6 837 cases and 5 345 recoveries leaving 1 286 active cases and 206 deaths.

The number of active cases in Harare rose to 600 with Matebeleland South which is in second place way down at 219.

The number of active cases in Bulawayo has dropped to 82.

There are now 26.7 million cases globally. Some 876 100 people have died, 18.8 million have recovered but there are still nearly seven million active cases.

India now has more than four million cases and could soon surpass Brazil which is in second place but also has just over four million cases. India has about 40 000 fewer cases than Brazil.

The United States has two million more cases than the two.



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