Zimbabwe coronavirus cases for July alone now 498

Zimbabwe coronavirus cases for July alone now 498

Zimbabwe had 25 new coronavirus cases today, 22 of them local, bringing the total for this month to 498, and cumulative figure to date to 1 089.

Although imported cases are more than double local ones, local cases are on the increase and now stand at 346 while imported cases are 743.

Bulawayo has the highest number of local cases at 153 out of 188 while Harare has the highest number of imported cases, 253 out of 367.

The country has tested 95 860 people so far and has 674 active cases. Twenty people have died and 395 have recovered.

There are now 13.6 million cases globally which include 584 000 deaths.

Eight million people have recovered but there are still five million active cases.

South Africa is now number 8 in terms of number of cases which currently stand at 311 000 but has far fewer deaths than Spain with 304 500 cases and the United Kingdom with 291 900.

South Africa has 4 450 deaths while Spain has 28 400 and the UK has 45 000.



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