Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission pushes for whistle-blower protection

Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission pushes for whistle-blower protection

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) says it is pushing for the enactment of a law to protect whistle-blowers following increased cases of intimidation of witnesses and whistle-blowers by people implicated in corruption cases which it is handling.

ZACC is a constitutional commission set up by the government to fight corruption in the country.

The anti-graft body has arrested several people, including high profile government figures for alleged corruption. But, the commission says its work is being impeded by people who intimidate witnesses and whistle-blowers.

“ZACC continues to be concerned and disappointed by corrupt officials who have been harassing witnesses and whistle-blowers,” ZACC tweeted.

“ZACC values all whistle-blowers and witnesses who have come forward to assist with investigations.”

To remedy the problem, ZACC said it had proposed a new law to protect witnesses.

“We submitted the whistle-blower lay Bill to the Attorney General and continue to push for its enactment. Whistle-blowers protection matters. The whistle-blower lay Bill we have proposed is meant to ensure their protection,” it said.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has singled out corruption as the main obstacle impeding development of the country and has vowed to eradicate the vice in society.

In order to reinforce the fight against corruption, Mnangagwa appointed a Special Ant-Corruption Unit under his office to complement the work of ZACC and the police.- New Ziana



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