Zim Asset- The results matrices

The Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front has been peddling the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (Zim Asset)- its economic blue print for 2013-2018- as the answer to the country’s economic woes. What is it?

The document is now available so The Insider has decided to serialise it. The Insider welcomes comments on the document. You can do this either through our comment section at the end of each story or, better still, through our Open Forum.

It is time that Zimbabweans started debating issues instead of suffering in silence and whining all the time. While most people have given up because they think our leaders do not listen- they do. I know because they have been watching The Insider for the past 23 years.


Here is the seventh and final chapter.


Chapter 7- The results matrices

In order to realise tangible results on this Plan, Results Matrices have been developed for each cluster highlighting major Cluster Key Results Areas (KRAs), Outcomes, Outputs, Strategies and the Lead Institution that will be spearheading the implementation of this Plan. During implementation, each cluster will be required to develop a comprehensive implementation matrix which will incorporate other critical targets, which have not been captured in the document. The cluster implementation matrices will form the basis for regular monitoring as well as periodic review and evaluation.

7.1 Food Security and Nutrition Cluster

7.1.1 The thrust of the Food Security and Nutrition Cluster is to create a self- sufficient and food surplus economy and see Zimbabwe re-emerge as the “Bread Basket of Southern Africa”. Ultimately, it seeks to build a prosperous, diverse and competitive food security and nutrition sector that contributes significantly to national development through the provision of an enabling environment for sustainable economic empowerment and social transformation. The cluster programmes are aligned to and informed by the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), Draft Comprehensive Agriculture Policy Framework (2012-2032), the Food and Nutrition Security Policy, the Zimbabwe Agriculture Investment Plan (2013-2017), SADC and COMESA Food and Nutrition Frameworks.

7.1.2 Quick Wins to be implemented within the Food Security and Nutrition Cluster include the following:

  • Intensifying collection of maize from Zambia and distribution of the same to needy provinces;
  • Providing food relief to vulnerable social groups from GMB stocks;
  • Working out vulnerable groups and smallholder subsidized agriculture input schemes for the 2013/2014 cropping season, including the Presidential Input Scheme;
  • Setting up an AGRIBANK concessionary funding facility for A2 farmers;
  • Putting in place a livestock drought mitigation programme for the drier regions of the country;
  • Encouraging the establishment of the contract farming programme;
  • Operationalising the warehouse receipt system;
  • Immediately review the tariff regime that has led to the dumping of foreign products in the market;
  • Initiating a programme of rehabilitation of irrigation equipment and adopting low-cost mechanization programmes;
  • Investing in research, science and technology for agricultural development;
  • Formulating and enforcing stringent laws against rampant veldt fires and other environmental crimes such as poaching.

7.2 Social Services and Poverty Eradication Cluster

7.2.1 The thrust of the Social Services and Poverty Eradication Cluster is to enable the Government of Zimbabwe to improve the living standards of the citizenry for an empowered society and a growing economy. The near collapse of public service delivery, deterioration in public infrastructure, increasing poverty and massive skills flight from most public institutions experienced in the last decade, makes it critical for the Government to implement programs that enhance service delivery by all public institutions.

7.2.2 In this regard, Government will execute robust capacity development initiatives that address issues of recapitalization, engagement and retention of skilled manpower, among other measures. Interventions that seek to address the plight of the poor also need to be taken on board for the purpose of ultimately reversing the situation. In this regard, strategies towards empowerment of the vulnerable will be implemented in the short to medium term.

7.2.3 The Cluster has the following programme areas that will be integrated vertically and horizontally with programmes in other Clusters:

  • Human Capital Development;

7.2.4 Quick Wins to be implemented within the Social Service and Poverty Reduction Cluster include the following:

  • Providing social protection measures to vulnerable groups, including removal of user fees for selected population groups;
  • Procuring water treatment chemicals from local producers for all Local Authorities and Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA);
  • Providing land for housing and embarking on aggressive housing programmes;
  • Procuring essential drugs and medicines and basic infrastructural services for referral, provincial and district hospitals;
  • Recapitalizing NATPHARM;
  • Clearing outstanding debts to the National Blood Services;
  • Procuring essential hospital equipment ;and
  • Improving manning levels of essential services.

7.3 Infrastructure and Utilities Cluster

7.3.1 In order for the Zimbabwean economy to register growth in a manner that is both competitive and effective, there is need for the country to undertake work in critical areas such as the development of a robust, elaborate and resilient infrastructure.

7.3.2 The Infrastructure cluster is focused on the rehabilitation of infrastructural assets and the recovery of utility services in Zimbabwe.

These services relate to:

  • Water and Sanitation infrastructure;
  • Public Amenities;
  • Public Amenities;
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT);
  • Energy and Power Supply;
  • Transport (road, rail, marine and air).

7.3.3 Quick Wins to be implemented within the Infrastructure and Utilities Cluster include the following:

  • Undertaking a national blitz to rehabilitate water supplies, sewerage systems, roads, health facilities and schools in all urban centres;
  • Instituting measures to improve processes at the Registrar General’s Office by December 2013;
  • Construction and maintenance of trunk and feeder roads through funding from Central Government and PPPs;
  • Completion of water projects under construction such as Tokwe-Mukosi, Gwayi Shangani, Semwa, Bindura, Dande, Tuli-Manyange and Marovanyati dams and Msthabezi water pipeline;
  • Prioritising construction of Kunzvi and Nyatana Dams;
  • Speedy construction of schools in rural, urban and newly resettled farming areas in order to decongest existing school infrastructure;
  • Stabilizing the power situation in the country;
  • Prioritizing the construction and maintenance of Government buildings including the new Parliament;
  • Prioritising the implementation of the e- Government programme.
  • Face-lifting all District Health and education infrastructure;
  • Immediately seeking the participation of solar companies to light Government buildings;
  • Immediately refurbishing elevators in all Government buildings;
  • Intensifying the implementation of the energy conservation measures.

7.4 Value Addition and Beneficiation Cluster

7.4.1 The value addition and beneficiation strategy is anchored on the private sector taking a key role in the funding and execution of the activities contained therein with Government providing the necessary support in terms of alignment, consistency and cohesion of policies that include among others, the Industrial Development Policy, National Trade Policy, National Tourism Policy, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Minerals Development Policy, National Procurement Policy, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Policy and Local Authority Licensing and Regulation Policy. The success of the value addition and beneficiation cluster is dependent on the availability of key enablers that include energy, water, transport and ICTs.

7.4.2 Quick Wins to be implemented within the Value Addition and Beneficiation Cluster include the following:

  • The full operationalisation of the Chisumbanje Ethanol Project;
  • Operationalising the New ZimSteel project;
  • Establishing Diamond Cutting and Polishing Centres;
  • Establishing Agro-processing projects (Apiculture, Processing and Canning of fruits and vegetables, Oil Expression, Leather and Leather products);
  • Strengthening SMEs and Co-operatives to be viable as tools for poverty eradication;
  • Intensifying of the implementation of bio-fuels.

7.5 Fiscal Reform Measures Sub-Cluster

7.5.1 The attainment of targets set out in Zim Asset is underpinned by putting in place robust fiscal reform measures that enable Treasury to mobilize resources to finance the different priorities identified by the Clusters. This will be done through the following, among other measures:

  • Restoring fiscal sustainability and strengthening fiscal management;
  • Increasing Financial Sector Stability;
  • Tax and Non-Tax Revenue;
  • Leveraging Land and Mineral Resources;
  • Sovereign Wealth Fund;
  • Public Private Partnerships (PPPs);
  • Special Economic Zones and
  • Issuance of Bonds both on the local and International markets.

7.6 Public Administration, Governance and Performance Management Sub-Cluster

7.6.1 In order to ensure success in the implementation of this plan, Government will be re-invented to improve general administration, governance as well as performance management. Consequently, key Government agencies whose mandates, among others, are to provide an oversight role in coordinating, monitoring and evaluating policies and programmes, so that they are in harmony with the country’s National Vision and priorities, will be expected to lead the formulation and implementation of economic blue prints.

7.6.2 This sub-cluster also deals with ensuring that governance systems are people friendly, by providing high quality services to the citizens in an efficient and effective manner. To this end, all public sector agencies in this category are expected to deal with issues of corruption, modernization of public sector agencies and performance management among others. More importantly, the overall mandate of the Public Administration, Governance and Performance Management Sub-cluster is to create a conducive environment and build capacity to formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate the Zim Asset Plan.

7.6.3 The operations of the Sub cluster will be guided by the Results Based Management System and will focus on:

  • Policy formulation, advocacy and coordination
  • Budgeting and Resourcing
  • Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Public Sector Modernisation and Civil Service Reform
  • Combating corruption and fostering good governance.
  • Building Capacities for Public Sector Institution

7.6.4 Quick Wins to be implemented within the Public Administration, Governance and Performance Management sub-cluster include the following:

  • Launching and publicising the Zim Asset Plan October 2013- December 2018 to the citizenry;
  • Revamping the operations of State Procurement Board with immediate effect;
  • Publishing and implementing Client Service Charters throughout Government;
  • Launching and publicizing Clients Service Charters;
  • Introducing Performance Contracts to Senior Officials in the Public Sector;
  • Intensifying institutionalization of RBM in the Public Sector;
  • Capacitating the Anti-Corruption Agencies to effectively discharge their mandates;
  • Reorienting Public Sector Employees in order to enhance performance;
  • Improving the working conditions of Civil Servants;
  • Capacitating the core departments in the Office of the President and Cabinet to effectively discharge their mandates;
  • Urgently putting in place mechanisms for strong interface in public administration between the Government and the citizens; and
  • Establishing the National Productivity Centre.




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