Zim Asset- Monitoring and evaluation

The Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front has been peddling the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (Zim Asset)- its economic blue print for 2013-2018- as the answer to the country’s economic woes. What is it?

The document is now available so The Insider has decided to serialise it. The Insider welcomes comments on the document. You can do this either through our comment section at the end of each story or, better still, through our Open Forum.

It is time that Zimbabweans started debating issues instead of suffering in silence and whining all the time. While most people have given up because they think our leaders do not listen- they do. I know because they have been watching The Insider for the past 23 years.


Here is the fifth chapter.


Chapter 5- Monitoring and Evaluation

5.1 The Government in pursuit of this Plan, will take a deliberate position of reforming and harmonising existing laws and other pieces of legislation in order to strengthen existing structures and systems to create an enabling environment for quality service delivery.

5.2 To this end, the Office of the President and Cabinet as the Lead Government Agency will provide the necessary leadership and guidance in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Plan. It will be critical for the Plan’s Monitoring and Evaluation system to regularly input into the Cabinet decision making process in order to achieve tangible results on the ground.

Next: Funding and Debt Management
Previous: Implementation Structure



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