ZANU-PF legislator says politburo members should not be in government as this compromises performance

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, can you please refer to the notes rather than reading the speech?

HON. ZINDI: Thank you Hon. Speaker. Some of the notes I have to read because I do not know them by head, this is why I was making reference to the details. Nonetheless, I will.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, do not contest the Chair. I allowed you the mathematical side because it is only fair that you refer – but when it comes to the narrative, please.

HON. ZINDI: By your indulgence I will observe that Hon. Speaker. Thank you. I have given all these statistics on the principle of growing our economy Hon. Speaker, that Zimbabwe has got the potential. It has got the potential, particularly when we are looking at our minerals, the gold and everything that I have made reference to but the worrying factor is that all this platinum the ore is being processed outside and we are actually being informed of whatever that has been gotten from that ore.

In this new era we need to put measures to make sure that smelters have been constructed in this country and this ore is processed locally. There is need for the Government to put in place measures that ensure the Government is not fleeced of its minerals by investors through putting in place policies that encourage payment of what is due to Government without prejudice to the fiscus.

With these words and with this contribution as my congratulatory message, on the installation of His Excellency, Emmerson, Dambudzo Mnangagwa, we are so hopeful that the economy is going to grow. We are so hopeful that we are in a new dispensation and that he is going to drive. He is going to be the captain of the ship and we are going to be sailing smoothly. I thank you




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