ZANU-PF already has 52% of seats with 58 more to be announced- Chamisa insists he won

ZANU-PF already has 52% of seats with 58 more to be announced- Chamisa insists he won

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front already has 52 percent of the seats in the national assembly with results for 58 more constituencies to be announced.

Out of the 152 seats so far announced ZANU-PF has 110.

Its main rival the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance has 40.

One went to the National Patriotic Front and another to an independent candidate.

The presidential election results are still to be announced.

Some MDC Alliance supporters were already celebrating yesterday.

MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa said there would be chaos if he lost but Home Affairs Minister Obert Mpofu has warned political parties that they will face the full wrath of the law.

Despite the warning Chamisa this morning claimed he won the elections.

“Zec seeks to release results to buy time & reverse the people’s presidential election victory. The strategy is meant to prepare Zim mentally to accept fake presidential results. We’ve more votes than ED.We won the popular vote & will defend it !” he tweeted.

MDC Alliance partner Tendai Biti claims that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission tampered with 21 percent of the forms which had the official results from various polling stations.



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