HON. GONESE: My point of order emanates from the point that during question time on policy issues, we would expect Hon. Ministers and Deputy Ministers to be conversant with what is happening in their respective ministries to which they have been appointed to superintend as Hon. Ministers and Deputy Ministers respectively. Hon. Matewu asked a question which was very clear and unambiguous, it related to the provisions of the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land, which is above any other law or any other procedures. The Hon. Deputy Minister is not responding to the questions which have been asked both in relation to the original question and the supplementary questions, she is just skirting around the issues.
I submit Madam Speaker, that as the Chair who is presiding over these august proceedings, it is incumbent upon you to direct the Hon. Deputy Minister to directly respond to questions on issues which must be at her finger tips. When we are dealing with such an issue which involves tenders for all local authorities, that is an issue which any Hon. Deputy Minister in terms of the Constitution, should be aware of and this request for it to be put in writing is simply being evasive. I submit that you must direct her to respond to the questions or in the alternative that she must come up with a comprehensive Ministerial Statement which will deal with those issues relating to both the fire tenders and the Pomona deal which are very topical in our country. They are concerning the people of Zimbabwe and we have a Government which is subverting the Constitution – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I talked to the Deputy Minister and she agreed that she will bring a comprehensive Ministerial Statement next week on Thursday – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Sithole, please switch off your microphone.
HON. BITI: On a point of order Madam Speaker.
My point of order is can the Minister, in his statement, outline the legal provisions which is empowering him to…
Hon. Sithole having stood and continued to talk, disregarding the Chairperson’s comments.
THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon. Sithole, please take your seat. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –
HON. BITI: Can the Minister in his statement, clarify and explain to the House the legal provisions that he is acting on. Can he also explain why he is now allocating devolution funds when we do not have a devolution law actualising the provisions of Chapter 14 of the Constitution and Section 301 of the Constitution? So, if the Minister’s statement can speak to the law, why is there by passing of the Procurement Act? Why is there by passing of the autonomy of local authorities and why are devolution funds being used in the absence of a devolution law in consistence of Chapter 14 and Section 301 of the Constitution? I thank you very much.
HON. MARKHAM: Madam Speaker, my point of order is, you recognized me before Hon. Madzimure, I have two points of order. I will just want to add a point of clarity to the Ministerial Statement and my issue is a very simple one. In order to get the tender, they must have received letters from the various local authorities applying for tenders. My second issue is even more important than all of that; why ordering tenders when we have got no water in the councils?
THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Hon. Deputy Minister will include all those in the Ministerial Statement.