*THE DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON: Order, order, Hon. Matambanadzo the statement that you are repeating has just been withdrawn. You should desist from repeating it and continue with your debate.
*HON. MARIDADI: I never called him a lunatic. He should withdraw the statement that I called him a lunatic.
*THE DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON: You said in this Parliament there are no lunatics.
*HON. MARIDADI: Yes, there are no lunatics in Parliament and I never said Hon. Matambanadzo is a lunatic. Probably he is a lunatic but I am not aware of that fact because I am not a doctor, witch doctor or a prophet to label him as such.
*HON. MATAMBANADZO: Mr. Chairman, may I have your protection please because I want to talk about this important Bill that is before us. The country called Britain values its Prime Minister to the extent of empowering him to appoint the judge after which he will be presented to the House of Lords and that is what we are emulating, but you are refusing. Hon. Members of the MDC are refusing what Britain has done yet they are your handlers. Do you think they will continue funding you? You are not going to return to Parliament if you continue refusing this Bill.
Going further, I want to reveal your blindness and remind you that even the United States of America is listening to your contributions– [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Let me tell you what is happening in the United States of America which you are seeing as learned people who are belittling their funders. What is happening in the United States of America is, the American President – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
*THE DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON: Order, order Hon. Matambanadzo we are debating Clause 6. I think you should direct your debate towards that.
*HON. MATAMBANADZO: Thank you Mr. Chairperson, I am saying this Bill is very important as we are in line and we want to show other where they are getting lost. The incumbent President of the United States of America appointed a very young person amongst all the judges and presented him to the House of Lords so that they interview him which is exactly what we want to do here. After our President appoints the judge, he will be referred to the Senate – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – You are not belittling us but belittling your handlers. Are you not ashamed of what you are doing? You are wrong if you are belittling America as you are doing, who then is going to fund you?
*THE DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON: Order, order! Hon. Matambanadzo, may you direct your debate to Clause 6.
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