What the MDC march was all about

It is in this context that we are exercising our peaceful right defined in section 59 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe by marching and presenting this petition on the following demands;

i)      All parties, and candidates (and or their representatives) participating in the election, forthwith be furnished with an electronic copy of the provisional voters’ roll as is required by section 21 of the Electoral act Chapter 2:13.

ii)  That ZEC, allows an inspection period of the voters’ roll pursuant to fresh registration during the voter inspection period 19 May to 29 May 2018.

iii) That an independent, external audit of the voters’ roll be commenced immediately after the inspection period mentioned above, with the auditors to be agreed by all stakeholders and shareholders.

iv)  That there be full and proper agreement by all stakeholders on the procurement, security, quality and movement of all ballot material, in particular, the ballot paper.

v) That the ZEC immediately retires in its secretariat, any security personnel whether currently employed or formerly employed by the security services as defined in Chapter 11 of the Constitution.

vi) That ZEC immediately disbands the present national logistics committee and that there is agreement in the composition, recruitment, training and deployment of the new members of the national logistics committee.

vii) That the current accreditation committee be disbanded and that there is agreement on the recruitment, training and deployment of the new members of the accreditation committee.

viii) That there be full disclosure with regards to the custody and location of the BVR Servers and that all stakeholders be allowed access to validate the legitimacy of the data in those servers.

ix)  That the additional 1500 newly created polling stations be and are hereby abandoned and that there be discussion and agreement on additional polling stations if need requires.

x)  That all military personal currently deployed in the rural areas be and are hereby recalled and that there should be full and complete de-militarisation of the rural areas.

xi)  That all international observers and monitors should now be allowed immediate access to Zimbabwe to monitor the election pursuant to the proclamation of the election on the 30th of May 2018.

xii)  That forthwith, there must be equal access to and equal coverage of all political parties in the public media, in particular the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.

xiii) That there be a provision in terms section 67 of the Constitution to allow the Diaspora to vote even if it means voting only in the presidential election.

xiv)  That there be cessation of the use of food and inputs as political weapons in this election

4.  The holding of the 30th of July election is dependent on the conditions set out above



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