We are clear and focussed says Chamisa

Acting Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa, whose appointment on Wednesday has sparked a lot of controversy and infighting within the party, today said he has pressed the reset button as the party prepares for the coming elections.

Zimbabwe is due to hold elections in July or August, though President Emmerson Mnangagwa has hinted that they could be held earlier.

He said he will be able to announce the election date any time from next week.

Chamisa today said in a twitter message: “In my capacity as the Acting President of the people’s party of excellence, I’ve pressed the reset button as we set the party 4 election preparedness, policy articulation & dealing with all hygiene issues. I’ve just met with parly caucus & all the 12 provinces. We’re clear & focused!”

It is not clear what he meant by dealing with all the hygiene issues, but the party has been ravaged by infighting with the only elected vice-president Thokozani Khupe insisting that she does not recognize Chamisa’s appointment.

Some reports say Elias Mudzuri, who was appointed acting president on 5 January, insists he is still the acting president.

Tsvangirai’s spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka said yesterday the acting presidency was rotational and it was now Chamisa’s turn as Khupe and Mudzuri already had their turns.

Some of Chamisa’s twitter followers wondered how the party has 12 provinces when the country has 10, including the two metropolitan provinces of Harare and Bulawayo.




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