Gumbo announces measures to curb corruption at the Vehicle Inspection Department

Transport Minister Joram Gumbo has announced a raft of measures aimed at curbing corruption at Vehicle Inspection Department which issues drivers’ licences and vehicle fitness certificates.

The measures include:

  • making sure that driving schools are properly registered as instructors are the main conduits of the corruption,
  • the balling system whereby a learner driver who would have come for a road test picks a ball from a basket with an office number leading them to the Examiner who will take them for the test.  This strategy is envisaged to counter pre-arranged corrupt practices;
  • In line with SADC harmonisation of standards for testing drivers, we have constructed in all VID yards, SADC standard hill-starts, three point-turn facilities, parallel parking facilities and reversing facilities.  This strategy enhances transparency and fairness by ensuring that 80% of the road test is conducted in the yard in full view of members of the public;
  • With effect from 6th March, 2016, all VID depots and vehicles are required to display toll free numbers so that members of the public can give feedback on service delivery and also to report corrupt practices;
  • Erection of Notice Boards at all VID Depots informing members of the public to phone the supplied numbers if they have been asked for consideration or a bribe by VID Officials or anyone in order to pass a test or to pass a vehicle for a certificate of fitness;
  • All depots have suggestion boxes strategically positioned for members of the public to air their views as feedback on service delivery;
  • Senior Officers are allowed to recall all already inspected vehicles for check on five main systems on a vehicle and Managers are also allowed to randomly accompany Examiners on road tests for quality control purposes; and
  • Frequent rotation of examiners so that they do not develop relationships with potential learner drivers and driving schools.
  • here is a transfer policy which helps in mitigating against over-familiarisation of officers with members of the public which has a high propensity for corruption.
  • In line with advancements in the global village, VID as a learning organisation will, in the near future, move towards automation of its services under the ZIMITS programme which will help to reduce direct human interface, thereby reducing corruption.


Below is Gumbo’s full ministerial statement:


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