Tshabangu says it will take 67 years to complete the Bulawayo-Nkayi Road at the current pace

Tshabangu says it will take 67 years to complete the Bulawayo-Nkayi Road at the current pace

HON. SEN. TSHABANGU: It is a question.  Allow me to give you the figures so that when he explains to me, he does so with the figures.  It means we were going to cover that road in six years.  Let us come back to date, we have covered 58 kilometres from 1999.  This means the Government, and your Ministry covered 1, 6 km per year, so this road is likely to be completed in 67 years at that rate. 

However, when we go back, in 1993 and 1999, the road was going to be; they were going to cover 26km in a year, which means per month, they were going to do 2, 1 km and to date, we are covering 1,6km per year.

Now, the question is; has the Government policy changed because we are talking about the same Government since 1980?  Are we covering the ratio that we allocate for road construction and what is the ratio?  Have we changed the Government…

THE ACTING PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE: Order, order! When I say order, you take your seat.  I gave you enough time to ask you questions but you seem to be lecturing.  Unfortunately, your question is specific and it has to be put in writing.

 Questions Without Notice were interrupted by THE ACTING PRESIDENT OF SENATE in terms of Standing Order No. 67.

HON. SEN. PHUTHI: May we extend the Question time session by 15 more minutes?


THE ACTING PRESIDENT OF SENATE: The time for questions without notice has been extended by 15 minutes.  Now, Hon. Senator Tshabangu ask your question and if you do not do that, I will not give you that chance again.  Do not debate, ask your question.

HON. SEN. TSHABANGU: Mr. President, I will leave this one as you have indicated. I sought the indulgence initially…

THE ACTING PRESIDENT OF SENATE: Hon. Senator Tshabangu, take your seat.  Hon. Minister of Transport, do you have anything to say about what Hon. Senator Tshabangu has said about the Nkayi Road?

Continued next page



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