Trump wants the “best” immigrants, not “some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe”!

Trump wants the “best” immigrants, not “some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe”!

Jesse Watters, host on one of the United States Big four television networks, Fix News, yesterday said that President Donald Trump wants the “best and the brightest” immigrants, instead of “some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.”

“He wants merit-based,” Watters said while discussing the president’s stance on immigration on “The Five.”

“That would cut legal immigration by bringing in the best and brightest,” Watters added. “So we don’t bring in some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.”

“Zimbabwe?” Watters’s co-host, Juan Williams, asked.

“Or Thailand, Juan, take your pick,” Watters later clarified.

“I get it, I get it, I want Norway,” Williams said.

It is not clear how Zimbabwe came in, but the country was holding its elections which dominated news worldwide.

But the remark comes months after it was reported Trump referred to immigrants from Haiti and African countries as coming from “shithole countries” and suggested the US should bring in more immigrants from countries such as Norway.- The Hill/Own

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