501-US wanted EU to extend sanctions on Mugabe lieutenants
502-Biti thought Tsvangirai was weak
503-UN boss said Tsvangirai was not a good politician
504-MDC paralysed by spate of arrests
505-Tsvangirai refused to sign MOU unless AU mediator was present
506-US asked if MDC was going to be swallowed by ZANU-PF like ZAPU
507-Tsvangirai was optimistic after meeting Mugabe for 90 minutes
508-Civil society wanted transitional government not GNU
509-Masiyiwa drafted power sharing agreement which Mugabe accepted!
510-State media toned down hate speech against Tsvangirai
511-US wanted Tsvangirai to form government with Mai Mujuru
512-Odinga said Mugabe and Tsvangirai wanted to talk but…
513-MDC wanted Mnangagwa out totally
514-Kikwete said only Mbeki could talk to Mugabe
515-CSU and MDC differ on people killed during election violence
516-US ambassador said some reports of violence by MDC were questionable
517-Tsvangirai said MDC would never play subordinate role to ZANU-PF
518-Egypt told US it was not taking sides on Zimbabwe
519-Tsvangirai, Mugabe were focussed too much on power
520-Masiyiwa said Chinamasa and Goche lacked enough authority
Continued next page