The harder you work the more tax you pay

The harder you work the more tax you pay

My poor dad often said, “Be a hard-working man.”
My rich dad said, “People who work hard are taxed even harder.”
Do you know why tax laws punish hard working people more than rich people?
History tells us why.
The Boston Tea Party was held in 1773.
It was a protest against taxes.
In 1943, during World War II, America began taxing workers to pay for the war.
Today, workers (anyone who works for a paycheck) are taxed more severely than the rich.
The rich (those who earn their income from the right side of the CASHFLOW® Quadrant) have money work for them and are taxed less as a result.
So, if you want to earn more and pay less in taxes… learn to have your money work hard for you.
The harder your money works, the less you have to work, and the less you pay in taxes.-Robert Kiyosaki



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