Chamisa warned ZANU-PF could hijack MDC congress

Chamisa warned ZANU-PF could hijack MDC congress

A supporter of the Movement for Democratic Change has warned party leader Nelson Chamisa that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front could hijack the coming MDC elective congress because “rumours” say 3 000 ZANU-PF youths have obtained MDC party cards.

The national council of the MDC yesterday set 24-26 May as the dates it will hold its party congress to elect a new leadership and map the way forward.

Chamisa today said he expects 7 000 delegates to attend the congress which would see a rebranding of the party.

“MDC CONGRESS 24-26 May 2019.7000 delegates expected.. Taking the MDC to a wholly NEW level. It’s not about positions but a new propositional value, organisational & leadership culture recasting, new strategies and tactics, deeper ideological and values and rebranding,” he tweeted.

One of his followers going by the name EG tweeted: “Morning my president. Remour has it over 3000 zanu pf youth are now in position of mdc membership cards. Muchenjere kucongress uko.”

Chamisa seemed to be acknowledging problem as he responded: “Takasvinurira nyaya iyi!”

It was not clear whether this was a genuine threat or just a way of trying to show that nothing stands in the way of Chamisa apart from ZANU-PF.

Although some of his supporters have been campaigning that Chamisa should not be opposed for the presidential post, sources say that the party’s old guard feel that though popular Chamisa is destroying the party.

They argue that he has gotten rid of all the people that are potential threats to his leadership and has brought in loyalists including those from parties that broke away from the MDC during Morgan Tsvangirai’s era.

The old guard is reported to be behind Elias Mudzuri who has been booed at most of the recent gatherings by Chamisa’s supporters.

The old guard also believes that Chamisa is dictatorial and does not listen to advice and this could be detrimental to the party’s prospects in 2023.

ZANU-PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa has warned that his party could reverse the urban support that the MDC currently enjoys by the time the country gets to the 2023 elections.




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