The Emmerson Mnangagwa Wikileaks cables

Emmerson Mnangagwa is one of the most feared people in Zimbabwe. Once described as the Son of God because he was believed to be the logical successor of President Robert Mugabe, his political star has been rising and falling over the past three decades. He is still considered a presidential contender and is reported to have been virtually running the country since 2008 through the joint operations command. He is reported to be unpopular within the party but he is so powerful that no one really knows how true this is. There are 194 cables on him. Here they are:

194-US assessment of inclusive government after one year in office

193-Chindori-Chininga said Obert Mpofu is a crook and a thief

192-Cranswick claimed Mpofu forged documents on Marange

191-Jonathan Moyo completes phoenix-like return to ZANU-PF

190-Biti said Mujuru and Mnangagwa are unelectable

189-Military likely to make Mnangagwa leader if Mugabe dies before naming successor

188-Manicaland was angered at Mutasa’s failure to become ZANU-PF chairman

187-US ambassador said Mnangagwa and Mujuru are not likely to become president

186-The three groups in ZANU-PF

185-Mnangagwa loses again

184-Mnangagwa refused to help white farmer

183-Gorden Moyo said without Mugabe there would be chaos

182-Shabanie Mine-ZANU-PF cash cow?

181-Mukoko sued Mnangagwa Mohadi and Mutsekwa for US$220 000

180-Mangoma says Zimbabweans must rely on themselves

179-Researcher said Mugabe did not trust Mujuru

178-Mnangagwa on diamonds committee

177-Mnangagwa said Mugabe intended to retire in 2009

176-Mnangagwa implicated in poaching scandal

175-Amnesty International and its love-hate relationship with Mugabe and Mutasa

174-Mujuru working with Tsvangirai behind the scenes- Wikileaks

173-Mnangagwa in succession committee

172-Mnangagwa associates interested in Save Conservancy

171-Mnangagwa boycotted Tsvangirai’s 100-day plan

170-Mogae said Mnangagwa or Mujuru cannot lead Zimbabwe

169-Mugabe sidelined Mnangagwa and Mujuru

168-Biti described Mugabe as bosom buddy, lambasted Mnangagwa

167-Tsvangirai said Mnangagwa was targetting him

166-Mugabe outmanoeuvred MDC to increase size of cabinet

165-Mzembi said Mugabe will not support Mnangagwa or Mujuru to succeed him

164-US ambassador said it was in US interest to support MDC

163-Mugabe brought usual suspects into inclusive government

162-Inclusive government the only game in town

161-Chamisa said Biti wanted to become Deputy Prime Minister

160-Was Manyika in Mnangagwa’s camp?

159-Mnangagwa among those who wanted GPA to collapse

158-Military planned coup after signing of GPA!

157-Mzembi said there was no rift between Mugabe and Mnangagwa

156-Mnangagwa grabbed Mugabe by the lapels over ministry

155-Makoni said Mnangagwa and the military were key to solution

154-British PM told Tsvangirai no help if Mugabe retained executive power

153-Mnangagwa and Sekeramayi step in

152-Tsvangirai said Mugabe would fight Mnangagwa to get honourable exit

151-MDC wanted Mnangagwa out totally

150-Masiyiwa drafted power sharing agreement which Mugabe accepted!

149-Mujuru found Tsvangirai more acceptable than Mnangagwa

148-The 14 people the US wanted on the UN sanctions list

147-Did MDC and ZANU-PF Karangas plan a pact in 2008?

146-US pushed for military intervention in Zimbabwe in 2008

145-Gono asked US ambassador for soft landing- Wikileaks

144-Civic leader says Mnangagwa is extraordinarily wealthy

143-Mnangagwa assumed virtual presidency role in runoff

142-MDC was prepared to accept Mnangagwa as Mugabe’s successor

141-Masamvu said Mugabe would hand over to Mnangagwa in six months

140-Goche, Chinamasa and Mnangagwa were prepared to ditch Mugabe

139-Why ZANU-PF changed its mind about Mugabe exit

138-Mugabe has dossiers on the illegal activities of his colleagues- Wikileaks

137-No one gave the MDC a chance in 2008

136-Why no one in ZANU-PF is challenging Mugabe

135-Mugabe named Mnangagwa his successor in 2007!

134-Mujuru camp sought US help to remove Mugabe

133-US ambassador conceded that Jonathan Moyo is a shrewd analyst

132-Zvobgo said Mugabe no longer trusted Mnangagwa and Mujuru

131-Masiyiwa listed as one of the possible leaders of Third Way

130-How Mugabe outmanoeuvred Mujuru

129-Mugabe fears hanging if he leaves office

128-Mnangagwa admitted he was afraid to speak out on succession

127-Chiredzi South by-election expected to bolster Mnangagwa

126-Mutasa said Mugabe might become president for life

125-Coltart said Makoni might emerge compromise candidate

124-Moyo was disappointed by Mnangagwa's lack of courage

123-Dell said West could “use financial incentives” to buy reform

122-Dell cheered divisions in ZANU-PF

121-CFU said Mnangagwa was biding his time

120-Shumba forms political party

119-Zvobgo said Mugabe pitted Mnangagwa against Mujuru to remain in power

118-Jonathan Moyo said Mnangagwa was too loyal to Mugabe

117-Madhuku said Mnangagwa wanted Mujuru to succeed Mugabe!

116-Zvobgo said everyone agreed that Mugabe had outlived his time

115-Mugabe rigid, defiant, isolated

114-Was Mnangagwa promised post of Prime Minister?

113-Embassy claims Mnangagwa doctored daughter’s birth certificate to get visa

112-Joyce exploded to Mugabe that she was independent of Rex

111-Trevor Ncube said Zimbabwe was being led by “clowns and bozos”

110-Was Mavhaire brought back to rein in Mnangagwa?

109-Mbalekwa said Mnangagwa was behind United Peoples Movement

108-Mudzingwa said Tsvangirai won’t compromise

107-Mnangagwa playing his cards to his chest

106-Zvobgo said Mugabe's departure will trigger uncertainty

105-Were Tungamirai and Mujuru allies?

104-US embassy said Mugabe had chosen Mujuru as heir apparent

103-Embassy said Mnangagwa could use Murambatsvina to discredit ZANUPF leadership

102-US official said Jonathan Moyo is a political chameleon

101-Mnangagwa linked to third force

100-Embassy wanted Mnangagwa’s three daughters to be added to sanctions list

99-Waiting for Mugabe to go

98-Lock-step loyalty key for appointment by Mugabe

97-Tsvangirai says Mnangagwa is a spent force

96-Mnangagwa tells his supporters violence does not pay

95-Mavhaire said Mujuru was untouchable

94-MDC tried to lure expelled ZANU-PF politicians ahead of 2005 elections

93-Rumours say Mnangagwa is liked to Britain’s MI-5

92-Mnangagwa beat Mujuru in 2004 but Mugabe rejected the results- Wikileaks

91-Chinamasa and Jonathan Moyo on their way out because of Tsholotsho?

90-Mnangagwa Zimbabwe’s Gorbachev!

89-Mujuru told Mnangagwa he would never lead ZANU-PF

88-Embassy says Mugabe covered up for Mnangagwa!

87-Mnangagwa says MDC has a habit of changing its mind at 11th hour

86-Mutasa and Mugabe differ with Mnangagwa and Chinamasa on elections

85-Mutasa says no to US election observers

84-Zimbabwe’s growing list of enemies

83-ZANU-PF’s disdain for parliament

82-US embassy’s assessment of Mugabe’s new ministers

81-Mnangagwa used state funds to finance succession campaign!

80-Zvobgo’s hospitalisation slows down bills

79-Mugabe singles out Jonathan Moyo for praise at conference

78-ZANU-PF succession scorecard

77-Chindori-Chininga’s take on the succession issue

76-Mugabe’s potential successor according to Tsvangirai

75-Too much bickering in ZANU-PF

74-Mugabe succession elusive

73-Makoni can only be pushed by Mujuru

72-Mugabe reluctant to choose a Karanga as successor- ambassador

71-Mnangagwa speaks on succession

70-US ambassador says Makoni is a breath of fresh air

69-Zvobgo said Mujuru, Makoni and Beta wanted Mugabe out

68-Mujuru told US ambassador Mugabe would step down after 2005 elections

67-ANC agreed to a plan for Mnangagwa to take over from Mugabe

66-Tsvangirai accuses Britain and South Africa of trying to maintain ZANU-PF in power

65-ZCTU leader said Mnangagwa was likely to proclaim new era of reform

64-Midlands: the model in land redistribution

63-MP says Mugabe wanted to step down in 2001 but was urged to stay on

62-Mnangagwa said land reform was chaotic only in Mashonaland and Mat. North

61-Mugabe rewards loyalty not competence


60-Jonathan Moyo said British government had gone bananas

59-Ghana HC said Mnangagwa was Mugabe’s preferred successor

58-Tsvangirai describes Mnangagwa as heir apparent

57-Mnangagwa not liked in ZANU-PF because of his ruthlessness

56-Mugabe must know the world is watching his every move

55-Mnangagwa says MDC is responsible for violence

54-Mnangagwa tells US ambassador about his disdain for Jonathan Moyo

53-Did Mnangagwa bow down to US pressure to save his children?

52-Mnangagwa would leave with Mugabe if offered exit package!

51-Mnangagwa dody on US election observers

50-Tsvangirai confident he would win presidential electionsgwa dodgy on US election observers

49-Embassy complaints about expulsion of observers

48-Judge squealed on his colleagues

47-Mnangagwa says computer cannot tell if one is dead or not

46-Mugabe placates Mujuru!

45-Tsvangirai says Mugabe mistrusts everyone

44-Hunzvi dies

43-Mnangagwa on a diplomatic charm offensive

42-Defence Minister Moven Mahachi dies

41-How to get Mugabe to step down

40-Rare dissent in ZANU-PF

39-How Mugabe will hang on to power

38-Iden Wetherell says Mnangagwa is one of the most intelligent men in government

37-Only Queen of England can convince Mugabe to change his behaviour

36-Chamisa, Musekiwa, Jongwe and Sikhala are ZANU-PF plants!

35-Mugabe so unpopular that he needs 250 000 to canvass for him

34-Winning an election is different from winning power- Tsvangirai

33-Mugabe behind offer for GNU

32-ZANU-PF offered MDC 40% of cabinet seats if it entered GNU in 2001

31-US embassy says Mugabe will not be pushed off the scene

30-Mnangagwa assures US embassy on peace in DRC

29-Makumbe says even an idiot would be better than Mugabe

28-Zvobgo says Mugabe is now a majority of one in ZANU-PF

27-Mnangagwa would be more ruthless than Mugabe- Wikileaks

26-Cross, Stevenson wanted Mugabe impeached- Wikileaks

25-Kasukuwere said Mugabe must be phased out for ZANU-PF to survive

24-Mnangagwa denies new clashes in DRC

23-Chiwewe asks what it would take to normalise relations with UK

22-Jonathan Moyo becomes Mugabe’s hatchet man

21-Mnangagwa chairs First National Bank of Congo

20-Withdrawal of troops from DRC linked to presidential elections

19-Mnangagwa says disruption is cost of redistributing land

18-Mugabe is like a father who has betrayed his children – MP

17-Mnangagwa says Zimbabwe is committed to withdrawing from DRC

16-Mugabe tells Kabila to accept Masire

15-Tsvangirai said Makoni was a coward

14-Mnangagwa keeps US embassy guessing

13-Tsvangirai said it was healthy the MDC did not win the 2000 elections

12-Farm invasions continue after election

11-Mnangagwa says he is not going to DRC with Mugabe

10-Mugabe not prepared to ditch Kabila to accommodate Masire

9-Was the MDC thrown cabinet scraps?

8-MDC expected to win at least 80 seats in 2000

7-Msipa says Mugabe and Mnangagwa sponsored violence by war vets

6-US embassy expected MDC to win 30 seats in 2000

5-Mnangagwa says Mpinga is a political infant

4-Mnangagwa dodgy on foreign observers

3-MPs panel beaten to pass land bill

2-Tutu says Mugabe is making a cartoon of himself

1-US embassy’s assessment of Mnangagwa in 1988



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