Supa Mandiwanzira arrested

Supa Mandiwanzira arrested

Former Information Communication Technology Minister Supa Mandiwanzira has been arrested and is reported to be at the Criminal Investigations Department’s Serious Fraud Unit.

The arrest was confirmed by his lawyer Selby Hwacha but there were still no details about what he was arrested for.

Mandiwanzira was one of those who survived from President Robert Mugabe’s cabinet but was not appointed after the 30 July elections.

He, however, won the parliamentary elections on 30 July and is Member of Parliament for Nyanga South.

Several former ministers under Mugabe have been arrested mostly for abuse of office but only Samuel Undenge has so far been convicted and sentencing for a minor case involving $12 650.

He is facing more charges though.

Some of those arrested and still awaiting trial include former Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo, former Foreign Affairs Minister Walter Mzembi and former Mines Minister Walter Chidhakwa.

Former Deputy Higher Education Minister  Godfrey Gandawa was also arrested for swindling the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund of about $400 000.

He is, however, now reported to be on the run.

He was on $500 bail but his lawyer Bernard Chidziva said he last saw his client before the 30 July elections.



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