Strive Masiyiwa torches a storm after defending his wife against cyber bullies

Strive Masiyiwa torches a storm after defending his wife against cyber bullies

Zimbabwe’s richest man Strive Masiyiwa has torched a storm after defending his wife Tsitsi from cyber bullies whom he said forced her to close her twitter account.

Tsitsi Masiyiwa got a backlash which forced her to close her twitter account about two weeks ago when she tweeted: “Some outcries and actions in pursuit of justice seem and look so right until you discover the source of the outcry and sponsor of the cause. Take a step back and reflect on some of the things we consider good and just causes.”

Activist, Patson Dzamara, whose brother Itai disappeared three years ago, responded:  “What is the bottom line? Justice is the bottom line. Whether any quest for justice emanates from a volcano or is sponsored by a storm, it remains noble and progressive. We will not tire neither shall we let injustice prevail in our midst, whatever it takes.”

Dewa Mavhinga of Human Rights Watch tweeted: “If you are implying that all and any outcry and pursuit of justice is sponsored then that really is sad. When your husband pursued his fight to be licensed it was a just cause. In such position of privilege, you should choose your words more carefully, lest you promote injustice.”

In his response Strive Masiyiwa said his wife started the Higher Life Foundation which has provided scholarships to 200 000 children over the past 20 years.

It was her brainchild and all he does is provide her with money when she needs it.

Tsitsi had done wonderful work and asked for $10 million when cholera broke out in Harare just after the elections this year.

Masiyiwa said he was touched when his wife showed her a World Health Organisation presentation that predicted that the cholera outbreak could kill 10 000 if unchecked.

He said it was said that she had been bullied into closing her twitter account.

“Sadly one of the foremost bullies is a Zimbabwean who works for an international organisation that is highly respected for its work on human rights,” Masiyiwa said in an apparent reference to Mavhinga.

“Its founder, now 95 is a close family friend. I hope my human rights friend is happy now that he has stopped her from using twitter. Maybe he and others lie him will stop will stop this pathetic misogyny.

“What about the rights of women like my wife to also express an opinion,” he concluded.

Jonathan Moyo said Masiyiwa was now bullying Mavhinga: “One need not hold a brief for @dewamavhinga to realise how shocking, outrageous & unacceptable it is for Strive Masiyiwa to accuse Dewa of cyberbullying his wife; & top that by peddling his crap accusation on the Internet while name dropping, in the  hope of costing Dewa his job!”

He was backed by Jealousy Mawarire who said, Masiyiwa had always been a bully: “Masiyiwa is a master at playing victim. He allegedly conned Gen Mujuru but until today is playing victim. Let him come clean on issues like Mopani mine etc & why he ran away from Zim. As a purported Christian, he shld stand for the truth not unnecessarily play victim.”

FinZim added: “Thanks for calling out Masiyiwa on this one. I have also done the same though my megaphone is smaller. What Masiyiwa is doing here is the textbook definition of bullying. It should be called out by all right thinking Zimbabweans.”

Dr Nelson Ruwa said Tsitsi Masiyiwa was the one bullying people.

“Tsitsi Masiyiwa is the one who was bullying people. She ran away from the backlash. No one chased her away. They don’t own Twitter. @ProfJNMoyo was attacked for many years but he doesn’t block anyone. Why didn’t he abandon Twitter?”

Chalton Hwende, who chairs the Parliamentary Committee on Information, Communication, Technology and Courier Services, said cyber bullying is one of the issues which the new Cyber Security Bill should address.

“Our Parly Committee on ICT will soon embark on public consultations on this important bill. I am saddened to note that Mr & Mrs Masiyiwa were forced to abandon their Twitter accounts,” he tweeted.


See also: Why were some Zimbabwean activists upset by Tsitsi Masiyiwa’s tweet?



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