Econet boss Strive Masiyiwa at one time came up with a plan to ease President Robert Mugabe out by proposing the appointment of an executive Prime Minister, who had to be a technocrat, to run the country.
The Prime Minister, however, was not supposed to have any presidential ambitions.
Masiyiwa discussed the plan with other businessmen, Isaac Takawira of Eton Capital and former Barclays Bank Kenya and Zimbabwe head, Wellington Chadehumbe of Triumph Venture Capital , and Jethro Goko of Johnnic Communications.
Goko now runs Associated Newspapers of Zimbabwe which owns the Daily News and has just taken over the Financial Gazette.
The plan was built on the assumption that Mugabe will never voluntarily give up power because he feared for his future if he stepped down, and even more importantly the future of his wife and young children.
Under the plan mooted in 2007, a year before Mugabe’s term of office was about to end, Mugabe’s term was to be extended to 2010.
He would share power with a technocratic Prime Minister who had to be accepted by 85 percent of Parliament and could only be removed by the same number.
The President would still appoint the key security ministers of Defense, Home Affairs, and National Security.
The Prime Minister would appoint the other cabinet members, particularly in the economic area.
Deployment of troops would, however, require the approval of both the Prime Minister and President.
The Prime Minister would not be eligible to run for President in 2010, thus ensuring his or her political independence.
Two of the names Masiyiwa proposed for Prime Minister were Isaac Takawira and Justice Wilson Sandura.
The plan did not materialise with Mugabe contesting elections in 2008 and being beaten by Tsvangirai in the first round but wining in the run-off after Tsvangirai pulled out.
Below are the first 260 of 626 Wikileaks cables on Mugabe.
Continued next page
1-How Mugabe balanced his cabinet after the 1987 unity with ZAPU
2-Tutu says Mugabe is making a cartoon of himself
3-Only a call to Mugabe by US president can stop violence- ambassador
4-Mugabe says farm invasions are “practical self-help”
5-US embassy says Mugabe is using land as a smokescreen
6-Mugabe wanted out of DRC but was not prepared to abandon Kabila
7-US embassy expected MDC to win 30 seats in 2000
8-Mugabe shifts focus from real issues to land
9-MDC expected to win at least 80 seats in 2000
10-SADC leaders pile pressure on Kabila to accept Masire as mediator
11-Mugabe, Dos Santos key to peace in DRC
12-Government shuts down private radio station
13-Chindori-Chininga says Mugabe is obsessed with land question
14-Chiwewe asks US to drop case against Mugabe
15-SADC ministers bulldoze Zimbabwe to reform troika
16-US embassy says Mugabe will not be pushed off the scene
17-Mugabe’s presidential succession race down to two runners
18-Mugabe retains troika chair
19-How Mugabe will hang on to power
20-Mudenge says Mugabe has never refused to go
Continued next page