Categories: Stories

President Mnangagwa warns saboteurs- the end is coming

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa today warned economic and political saboteurs that their unwarranted plots to destabilise the country would not go on unchecked.

His warning comes in the wake of renewed attacks on the economy by currency speculators and profiteers who are bent on destroying the value of the Zimbabwean dollar.

Political manoeuvres by several local and foreign malcontents were also being employed to destabilise the country as part of a larger regime change agenda plot.

Mnangagwa told mourners at the burial of late National Hero, Brigadier General Stanley Nleya (Rtd) that government was alive to these machinations.

“On the evident economic malpractices that are present in various forms, my government will never shy away from implementing policies and measures that ensure that honest workers of our country live honourably,” he said.

“We shall not allow a situation where our people live in chronic insecurity, lack and depravation. It has become apparent that in our midst there are wolves in sheep’s clothing, the end is coming.”

Mnangagwa added: “Let us never be complacent, the war of today is neither guns nor bombs, the war against our economic prosperity is ongoing, rest assured that the enemies of progress, of the economic growth of our country will never win as long we remain united.”

He said the challenges confronting Zimbabwe were not insurmountable, and required every Zimbabwean to maintain a fighting spirit, similar to that exhibited by the late Nleya and other freedom fighters that fought against a relentless and superior enemy during the war of liberation.

He challenged Zimbabweans to draw inspiration from the living and fallen heroes of Zimbabwe’s war of liberation.

“As it was during the liberation struggle, our present journey to national development will have challenges, delays and detours. This era and history of our country calls for focus, discipline and unyielding resolve among our people.

“Like the liberators of yesteryear, and the likes of the late Comrade Stanley Nleya, let us never wonder off from the path towards economic prosperity as guided by our national vision towards 2030,” he said.

“Our gallant freedom fighters did not give up after the bombings of Freedom camp (in Zambia) or Chimoio camp (in Mozambique) they fought on, they struggled on, let us today equally fight on through consistent production and hard honest work. A better life for our people shall be realised.”

The President said peace and unity was the cornerstone to achieving a prosperous Zimbabwe.

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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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