Petition to Parliament to summon person thought to be Mnangagwa’s spokesman thrown out

Petition to Parliament to summon person thought to be Mnangagwa’s spokesman thrown out

A petition from the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe requesting Parliament to summon the owner of a twitter account under the name Tinoedza Zvimwe over cyber bullying and threats against journalists on the social media was ruled inadmissible, Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda told Parliament yesterday.

Tinoedza Zvimwe is widely thought to be President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s official spokesman, George Charamba. 

Charamba has a twitter handle in his own name.

Charamba previously tweeted under Jamwanda but that account was suspended by twitter last year. He had 69 000 followers a day before the suspension.

He opened another account in his own name in March last year and has 15 512 followers as of today.

The account in the name of Tinoedza Zvimwe was also opened in March last year but has 8 962 followers.

It is, however, more active than the account in Charamba’s name.



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