Parliament says Zimbabwe should allocate funds for research into traditional medicines in 2022 budget

Parliament says Zimbabwe should allocate funds for research into traditional medicines in 2022 budget

5.0    Observations by the Committee

The Committee noted that:

5.1    The traditional and complementary medical practice in Zimbabwe is grossly underfunded.

5.2    No land is dedicated for the growing of herbs for medicinal use in Zimbabwe.

5.3    The traditional medical practice is often misunderstood due to lack of appropriate information to the generality of Zimbabweans as well as the colonial lenses that are used when looking at this practice.

5.4    Players in this sector are doing a lot of work on traditional medicines, however the efforts are uncoordinated and they lack coherence to bring about the much needed development on this practice.

5.5    Uncordial work relations between the TMPs and CMPs cripples the development and promotion of the traditional and complementary medicines in Zimbabwe.

5.6    Lack of access to laboratories and ability to read laboratory results, medical insurance as well as non-use of modern medical instruments such as BP machines limit the effectiveness of the traditional medical practice.

5.7    Non-disclosure of medicinal properties impedes the development of the traditional medical practice in Zimbabwe.

5.8    Political will is lacking in the development and promotion of traditional and complementary medicines as evidenced by the gross underfunding of this sector.

Continued next page


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