Only in Zimbabwe is this acceptable

Only in Zimbabwe is this acceptable

Opposition leader Tendai Biti, who was Finance Minister during the inclusive government of 2009 to 2013, says current Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube stole most of what is in his Transitional Stabilisation Programme from the Movement for Democratic Change’s SMART blue print.

SMART stands for Sustainable and Modernisation Agenda for Real Transformation.

The question that Biti and the MDC have never been asked is: If Ncube stole the bulk of what is in his TSP, why are they opposing it?

The same applies to Biti himself. He says Emmerson Mnangagwa is an illegitimate president. But Biti and more than 100 others from the MDC were sworn is as legislators in Mnangagwa’s illegitimate government.

Biti even agreed to chair the Pubic Accounts Committee.

Is there any logic in all this?



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