Mwonzora under fire after inviting ZANU-PF to MDC anniversary

Mwonzora under fire after inviting ZANU-PF to MDC anniversary

Movement for Democratic Change secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora came under fire after inviting the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front to attend the MDC’s 19th anniversary celebration at Gwanzura Stadium on Saturday.

The celebrations which should have been held last month were cancelled because of the cholera outbreak in the capital which has so far killed more than 50 people.

The MDC has now been given the go ahead to hold the anniversary but under strict conditions.

Mwonzora tweeted: “The MDC anniversary at long last is proceeding at Gwanzura stadium on Saturday the 27th of October. We have invited other Zimbabwean political parties including Zanu PF to our anniversary. A new Zimbabwe a new politics!”

The tweet, exposed the division within the MDC with the first response sating that while this was a good gesture the problem was that Mwonzora wanted to lead the MDC.

“Good. The only bad thing is that ‘Mwonzora’ wants to lead the MDC Alliance. This will not be possible because Mwonzora has no ‘gift’ to lead the MDC Alliance lol,” tweeted Charles Humbe.

Mwonzora replied: “Hoo nhayi? Please don’t swallow these words one day.”

Asked by analyst: “Is this about gift or constitution??”

Humbe replied: “It’s a not about the constitution.  It’s about the gift. Thoko went away with the constitution, minus the people. The constitution is a piece of paper, or, some images on a viewing screen. Sometimes you cannot even ‘feel’ it.”

Cnhizwa said: “I have no problems in anyone leading the party as long ari true opposition. I dont want the party to split again. Contest in in the best interest of the party. There is no individual who will lead the party forever. You are young and have many years to lead. Unity unity unity.”

Humbe replied: “he is not leadership material, unless all MDC leaders die for one reason or another, if that were possible – then Mwonzora will rule. He wants to be a ruler.”

Mmapiye chipare said: “kana nguva yakwana yokuti mukoma dougie vanhonge chinhango vanoregereiko inga pau SG vamwe maingoti hazviiti wani.”

Friday Nzou chipped in: “I don’t understand why you are bringing this issue here. It seems you want to cause problems. Where is the leadership issue coming from. Don’t spoil the Party.”



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