Obert Gutu backs Mnangagwa says the country is going to prosper

Obert Gutu backs Mnangagwa says the country is going to prosper

Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai vice-president Obert Gutu, who has received a lot of bashing for calling on Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa to accept defeat, says I t is a cold hard fact that Emmerson Mnangagwa is the President of Zimbabwe because he won the 30 July elections.

Gutu, who was spokesman for the MDC-T under Morgan Tsvangirai broke away with Thokozani Khupe but lost in the Harare East parliamentary elections.

He said he was not singing for his supper because his law practice was doing well.

“The cold, hard fact is that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is the President of Zimbabwe after he won the July 30,2018 Presidential election. By  the way, I’m not singing for my supper. I’m not bragging when I say that my law practice isn’t performing badly at all,” he said.

Chamisa has rejected Mnangagwa’s victory and claims he won the elections though he lost the case at the Constitutional Court.

Former President Robert Mugabe, who also vowed he would never vote for Mnangagwa, has changed his mind and now says Mnangagwa is the legitimate President of the country.

“Hazvicharambika. Tavapachokwadi. Zvanezuro zvakanga zvakanganiswa zvakapfuudzwa neelection results,” he told mourners at the funeral wake of his mother-in-law Idah Marufu yesterday.

“All of us are now duty-bound to rally behind the government. But we say those who want to contest should be allowed to do so and after every five years, but we say for now the person who won is Mr Mnangagwa.”

Gutu said Zimbabwe is going to prosper and those who were wishing bad things for the country would be shamed.

Zimbabwe is currently experiencing price hikes and shortages of some commodities with some people blaming Mnangagwa for not paying attention to the local economy.

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