Grace Mugabe showers praise on Mnangagwa, says it was God’s will to make him President

Grace Mugabe showers praise on Mnangagwa, says it was God’s will to make him President

Once considered bitter rivals, it took the death of Grace Mugabe’s mother Idah Marufu, for the former First Lady to reconcile with President Emmerson Mnangagwa and she conceded: “If it takes my mother’s death for us to restore our old friendship, then let it be.”

Grace Mugabe said this at the funeral wake of her mother and dismissed reports that she had her husband former President Robert Mugabe were under house arrest.

She said Mnangagwa was very supportive of Mugabe and though he was not feeling well, she was comforted by the fact that he was in good hands as Mnangagwa provided him with everything he wanted.

“He has been helping look after us. He is footing all our bills and he has been very helpful at my mother’s funeral,” Grace was quoted by Newsday as saying. “If the death of my mother was making it possible to go back to our old relationship with Mnangagwa, and then let it be…….He loves us because he knows we love him. We pray for him because it was God’s will to make him President.”

Grace said Mugabe was not feeling well.

“Pray for him, he is not feeling well. But we are comforted because he is well looked after. Mnangagwa has promised to give all we want. They lie that we are under house arrest, it is not true.”

Mnangagwa chartered a private plane for the former First Lady to fly from Singapore where she was receiving treatment to attend her mother’s funeral.

“I felt comforted. VaMnangagwa comforted me. If it takes my mother’s death for us to restore our old friendship, then let it be,” she was quoted by the Herald as saying.

“VaMnangagwa loves us. He knows we love him too. We pray for him because it is God’s will that he is President of the country. We pray that he be given the wisdom to lead the country.”

Mugabe, who vowed not to support Mnangagwa on the eve of the just ended elections said people should now rally behind Mnangagwa because he is now the country’s legitimate leader.

“There was an election, ZANU-PF was represented by Emmerson Mnangagwa and Chamisa represented MDC-Alliance and results came out saying the person who won was Emmerson Mnangagwa and I said zvava mugwara zvino,” he was quoted by the Herald as saying.

“Hazvicharambika. Tavapachokwadi. Zvanezuro zvakanga zvakanganiswa zvakapfuudzwa neelection results.

“We have accepted the result and we hope that we will continue respecting the will of the people. The gun does not and should not lead politics.

“All of us are now duty-bound to rally behind the Government. But we say those who want to contest should be allowed to do so and after every five years, but we say for now the person who won is Mr Mnangagwa.”



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