New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe drop but active cases now over 12 000

New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe drop but active cases now over 12 000

New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe today dropped to 1 002 but active cases rose to 12 014 after only 224 people recovered and 18 died.

Mashonaland West, the worst hit province, accounted for half of the deaths and 287 new cases. It now has 3 725 active cases.

Harare has 1 694 followed by the Midlands with 1 147. Bulawayo has 887 cases. Mashonaland Central has 988 and Mashonaland East 909. Matebeleland North currently has the lowest number of cases at 470.

Masvingo had the highest number of recoveries at 63, followed by Mashonaland East with 54 and Harare, 45.

Deaths have now risen to 1 859, cases to 53 665 and recoveries to 39 792.

Just over 6 000 people were vaccinated today with 3 897 getting the first jab and 2 972 the second.

So far, 791 901 people have received the first dose and 567 686 have been fully vaccinated.



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