New coronavirus cases down to 165 as Zimbabwe continues on recovery path

New coronavirus cases down to 165 as Zimbabwe continues on recovery path

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded only 165 new coronavirus cases and 13 deaths as it continued on its recovery path with 444 people recovering resulting in the number of active cases dropping to 11 595.

Matebeleland North and Harare had the highest number of recoveries accounting for 234. Matebeleland North is down to 778 active cases and Harare to 1 020.

Mashonaland West has the highest at 1 819 followed by the Midlands with 1 7449 while Bulawayo has the lowest, 271.

The vaccination exercise continued, though on a slower pace it being a Sunday. A total of 10 776 got their first dose and 9 181 the second and final.

So far 2 312 417 have got their first jab and 1 460 162 the second.

Zimbabwe has received more than 8 million doses.



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