National Social Security Authority boss charged with externalising $330 million

Acting National Social Security Authority general manager Hashmon Matemera has been charged with conniving with officials from Jinan Mining to externalise more than $330 million when he was managing director of BancABC.

According to The Chronicle, the money was part of a $628.8 investment injected into the country by Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Company [AFECC] through a joint agreement with Marange Resources, a subsidiary company of the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation.

Matemera is alleged to have assisted officials from Jinan to open a BancABC transitory account without the required documents such as identification cards and proof of residence for all directors, passport size photos, board resolution, tax certificate, form CR 14, form 6 and Zimra Tax clearance certificate.

Jinan officials Bai Xiangqian, Qingde Jiang and Bei Bei Ma who are still at large, acting in connivance with Matemera, transferred a total of $332.98 million from the account into the BancABC Botswana account purportedly for investment in that country but the money was moved to China, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Sierra Leone and Dubai.

Only $11 727 272 was transferred back to Zimbabwe.

Matemera was remanded to 15 June.

He was appointed NSSA acting general manager in October last year after the dismissal of James Matiza and four other directors.


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