Mujuru fires Mutasa, Gumbo, Dongo……

Zimbabwe People First leader Joice Mujuru today fired her top lieutenants Didymus Mutasa, Rugare Gumbo, Margaret Dongo, Claudius Makova, Munacho Mutezo and Kudakwashe Bhasikiti.

According to News24, Mujuru fired her top lieutenants, most of whom were expelled from the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front together with her, because they were ZANU-PF agents who wanted to prolong President Robert Mugabe’s stay in office.

She said "more heads are going to roll in this revolutionary cleansing exercise".

“We have decided to eject some of the colleagues and comrades we thought would stand with the people’s cause but have chosen to be agents of the regime,”  Mujuru said.

"All sorts of tricks, ranging from coup d'etat and sophisticated infiltration, have taken centre stage with a view to delaying the people’s cause of unequivocal liberation," she added.

ZimPF is due to hold its inaugural congress next month.



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