Mujuru did not die a pauper after all

Former army commander Solomon Mujuru did not die a pauper after all. His family lawyer Thakor Kewada has just informed the executor of his estate Stern Mufara that Mujuru owned several properties under the name Thurlow and Company.

Mujuru virtually controlled Bindura in the late 1980s and 1990s and owned the following companies with exiled Telecel boss, James Makamba:

  • Thurlow and Company Private Limited
  • Valley Meat Supplies Private Limited
  • Kalmic Investments Private Limited
  • Bindura Discount Private Limited
  • Athenitis Properties Private Limited and
  • Rylance Farms Private Limited

According to The Herald when Mujuru and Makamba parted ways, they agreed to share the properties owned by the companies and Mujuru’s share remained registered under the name of Thurlow.

“In terms of the agreement, Gen Mujuru was allocated eight stands along Muhacha Drive in Chiwaridzo, Bindura (Stands 1404 to 1410 Muhacha) and one along Mutsamvi Drive in the same suburb. Gen Mujuru also got the remaining Extent of Thurlows Paddock, Lot 1 of Thurlows Paddock and Kimberley Reef Store Site.

“He was also given Stand Number 242 Wray Avenue, Bindura and Bindura Dog Kennels at Stand Number 1A Artherstone Road,” the paper said.

Mufara was appointed the executor to distribute the late general’s fortune, more than four years after he died in a mysterious fire accident, amid family feuding with allegations that former Vice-President Joice Mujuru wanted to exclude the late general’s children whose number is yet to be determined.

The general, it also turned out, was “married” to another woman, Faith Juta, way back in 1981 and they divorced in 1994 but remarried in 2008.

Private media reported in June that Mujuru had died a pauper and his estate owed over $2 million.



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