MP says boards of State enterprises and parastatals should be approved by Parliament

In one of the shortest contributions in Parliament Mkoba legislator Amos Chibaya said boards of State enterprises and parastatals should be approved by Parliament to improve governance.

In his contribution to the motion calling on those involved in the Premier Services Medical Aid Society scandal to be brought to book, Chibaya said he did not have much to say except to move this proposal to amend the motion.

Cross moved the motion to have at least 11 executives of PSMAS and board members who siphoned millions of dollars from the society between 2009 and 2013 to be brought to book.

The executives were paid about $119 million during that period while some board members were paid more than $500 000.


Full contribution:


HON. CHIBAYA: Thank you very much Hon. Madam Speaker. I agree with the mover of the motion and all those who have debated. However, I have got a proposal in order to improve governance system. I propose that the boards of state enterprises and also parastatals be approved by this Parliament of Zimbabwe – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear] –

Hon. Madam Speaker, as I said before that I do not have much to say, only to move for this proposal to amend the motion. I am sure Hon. Cross will agree with me and this will actually assist to improve the Government system. I thank you Hon. Madam Speaker.



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