Mnangagwa to brief Zimbabweans on cabinet decisions every Wednesday

Mnangagwa to brief Zimbabweans on cabinet decisions every Wednesday

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken transparency to a new level. All decisions made by his cabinet will be communicated to the nation every Wednesday.

He told his new cabinet today that he expected members of his government to speak with one voice and ordered each portfolio minister to identify a minimum of five quick-win and high impact projects that they can start working on.

The President said the ministers are going to work on 100-day cycles as a model of doing business and delivering quality services to the people.

They will be using three instruments: the Integrated Results Based Management System, the Rapid Results Approach and the Executive Electronic Dashboard.

This should enable cabinet, ministries or parastatals to track project performance at the click of a button.

Mnangagwa who also told cabinet that he would be away next week attending the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly will expect his ministers to attend half-day workshops to acquaint themselves with the essential components of the 100-day cycle, the Integrated Results Based Management System, the Rapid Results Approach and the Executive Dashboard.

Permanent secretaries and senior government officials will also be expected to attend the training workshops.

“Our approach will entail four or five ministers making presentations during the course of a cabinet meeting like this one until the 100-day cycle ends,” he said.

“The decision taken by cabinet will be communicated to the nation every Wednesday, after we have met.

“Thus the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, will issue a press statement in the presence of the Chief Secretary and the implementing ministers.

“This will help us to entrench transparency, and a culture of responsiveness as we seek to transform the quality of life of our people.”

Mnangagwa intends to turn Zimbabwe into a middle income economy by 2030.



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