Mnangagwa should not to re-appoint Chiwenga Minister of Defence

Mnangagwa should not to re-appoint Chiwenga Minister of Defence

President Emmerson Mnangagwa should not appoint his deputy Constantino Chiwenga as Minister of Defence again because this is unconstitutional.

Parliamentary watchdog Veritas Zimbabwe said the government cannot function unless there is a cabinet which, according to section 105 of the Constitution, consists of “the President, … the Vice-Presidents and such ministers as the President may appoint to the cabinet.”

It said it was obligatory for the President to appoint at least some ministers such as one responsible for the civil service, defence, police service, intelligence, and prisons and correctional services.

“It is not constitutional for a Vice-President to be appointed to any of these posts, because Vice-Presidents are not ministers,” Veritas said.

“Although a Vice-President was appointed as Minister of Defence last year, this should not be repeated. These ministerial appointments should be made as soon as possible, because constitutional obligations must be complied with without delay.”

Mnangagwa was sworn in on 26 August 48 hours after the Constitutional Court ruling which confirmed him as the winner of the 30 July elections.

Veritas said Mnangagwa must also be aware that he can only appoint five ministers and deputy ministers who are not Members of Parliament but these must be chosen “for their professional skills and competence”.

Mnangagwa is currently in China but is expected to return home tomorrow.

Members of Parliament will be sworn in tomorrow paving the way for Mnangagwa to appoint his cabinet.

Mnangagwa and his team have repeatedly stated that the time for politics is over. They will be focusing on the economy.



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