Mnangagwa gets bashing after tweeting “exciting times ahead”

Mnangagwa gets bashing after tweeting “exciting times ahead”

President Emmerson Mnangagwa who is in China attending the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation summit today got a bashing when he tweeted “representing the new Zimbabwe with pride and honour, exciting times ahead”.

FOCAC began yesterday and ends today but Mnangagwa is scheduled to meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping for bilateral talks tomorrow.

Mnangagwa has promised to turn Zimbabwe into a middle income country in the next 12 years but people that were clamouring for change have no faith in him.

One of his supporters Cde Never Maswerasei told Mnangagwa: “Indeed Comrade President. We see the conviction and the patriotism that flows through your veins. We are solidly behind you till we have proven all sceptics wrong. I personally have no iota of doubt in the great things you’re doing to transform our economy. Long live Mr President.”

But Steve differed: “A new Zimbabwe represented by a 76 year old kulu who was Dictator Mugabe’s right hand man? A new Zimbabwe will only come through the new. All you can represent is the same old story of price increases and poverty. Anyway I’m done wasting my energy on a parody account.”

He was backed by Kenny Shonhiwa who said: “dzoka kuno maprices akwirA.. itawo zva bob zvekudzikisa maprices achiburuka mundege pairport.”

Marvelous added: “Muri kuzviziva her kuti nyama yehuku hakuchina kuno.”

Shava concurred: “Mr President while you are there things are not looking good back home, instead of going to canaan the wheels are off the train and we are already at the red sea, back to Egypt. Chicken inn nolonger has chicken to fry, only potatoes left.”

He was supported by Roby-Gee who said: “Once again we are in a situation where our leader is in denial of the real issues back home. Prices up, basics dissapear , economy continue to deteriorate, no drugs, lack of confidence yet a whole President is tweeting about interesting times. The irony!”

The price of commodities have rocketed since the 30 July elections and cement is in short supply.

Mnangagwa was sworn in last week and has not yet appointed his cabinet. He has only appointed his two deputies, Constantino Chiwenga who is the acting President and Kembo Mohadi.

Chiwenga said Mnangagwa could not appoint a cabinet before the Members of Parliament are sworn in.

Members of the National Assembly and the Senate will be sworn in tomorrow but the Speaker and President of the Senate will only be elected next week.




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