Mnangagwa says ZANU PF is unstoppable. It will remain in power until kingdom come

Mnangagwa says ZANU PF is unstoppable. It will remain in power until kingdom come

We may come from different communities but we are one. We belong to the kingdom of Munhumutapa.

Today, we are a Republic in terms of our Constitution, but the country remains a Zimbabwe that was built by Munhumutapa.

We must, therefore, individually and collectively, young and old, weak and the powerful, the poor and the rich, the tall and the short, pray and work for the prosperity of this nation.

We are responsible for the prosperity of our country.

Our principle grievance when we went to the war was to repossess our land that had been taken from us by the colonisers.

We fought so that people would get their land back. We beat the white man, who went back scurrying to their motherland.

This angered them very much because they failed to understand why the children of Munhumutapa would do such a thing.

But we were adamant that the land belonged to us because the farms we took over were not in Scotland, but were here in Zimbabwe. So, we took the farms and they will remain in our hands whether they like it or not because they are ours.

That is why they imposed sanctions on us.

Tony Blair, who was Prime Minister in the UK, and George Bush, who was president of the US, joined hands to punish us.

George Bush wanted to fight against Saddam Hussein, who was leader of Iraq, accusing him of having weapons of mass destruction, which was a lie.

Tony Blair wanted to fight President Mugabe because he had taken back our land from the colonisers.

So, they agreed to support each other in invading Iraq and sanctioning Zimbabwe; that is how ZDERA (Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act) came about.

They thought, because of the sanctions, you, our people, would rise up against us, your leaders, and remove us from power so that they would impose their puppets.

We thank you because you stood by your country. We remain Zimbabweans during times of hunger and those of abundance.

Even in the cold, we are Zimbabweans, which is why we say “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo”.

You are all aware that heaven is led by the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son.

Even here we have our trinity — Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo; igotongwa nevene vayo; igonamatirwa nevene vayo.

After seeing that they had imposed sanctions on us, we sat as the Second Republic to look at what we must do to blunt the effects of the sanctions.

At that time, we were suffering every year because of food insecurity.

We were importing food from other countries. We realised that here in Zimbabwe we have very good soils and rivers with abundant water resources.

We asked ourselves what we must do in order to be food self-sufficient.

That is when we introduced Pfumvudza.

Pfumvudza was designed to guarantee food security at the household level.

Families that follow what they are taught by agricultural officers, such as Minister Masuka, will be food secure.

We have resolved the question of food security. We are currently giving free inputs to three million households. They include seed, fertilisers and chemicals.

We also have large-scale farmers whom we give loans.

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