Mnangagwa says there is no GNU on his agenda

Mnangagwa says there is no GNU on his agenda

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today dismissed the call by opposition leader Nelson Chamisa for a transitional authority saying a government of national unity was not on his agenda.

Chamisa on Tuesday suggested a transitional authority as the only way to get Zimbabwe out of its present economic quagmire.

Addressing the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front central committee in Harare today, Mnangagwa urged party members not to listen to the utterances by the opposition.

“May I warn you not to take heed of utterances from various opposition quarters,” he said. “Let us focus our energies towards growing the economy, towards unity of pour people.

“Let those who engage in dreams continue to dream and we must continue to be practical and move forward with the development of our country. We have no agenda. Nothing is on our agenda to a government of national unity. Hatina agenda iyoyo.”

Mnangagwa said he was aware that some detractors and opportunists were behind the present chaos in the country but as a listening President he will not allow the people to suffer.

“Government is fully aware of the machinations by some detractors and economic opportunists who are bent on creating despondency in the country through the manipulation of the foreign currency market and creation of artificial shortages,” he said.

“This has caused untold suffering to our people. As a listening President, I have heard their cries and my government is determined to provide solutions to these perennial challenges.

“The lifting of the ban of SI 122 is one such move which is meant to provide interim relief to our people. My government will neither let people go without basic commodities, nor allow the willy-nilly depletion of incomes by a few rogue businesses and persons.”

While the retail sector has welcomed the lifting of import controls, industry says the move will see some companies closing and people losing jobs.



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